Rent or Buy in Toronto: Which is More Affordable?

When considering whether to rent or buy in Toronto, it’s clear that renting is currently much more affordable. However, buying remains the best long-term investment option. This analysis aims to break down the costs associated with both renting and buying in Toronto, helping you make an informed decision based on your financial situation and lifestyle.

Current Rental Market Overview

According to a recent report, rental prices in Canada have seen significant increases. The average asking rent in the country climbed nearly 2% month-over-month and skyrocketed close to 10% year-over-year to a record high of $2,117 as of September 2023. This upward trend is particularly pronounced in Toronto, where the typical one-bedroom apartment rents for about $2,620, and a two-bedroom apartment rents for approximately $3,413. Even renting a room with roommates in Toronto costs around $1,300. These high rental costs highlight the ongoing supply-demand imbalance and rising mortgage rates that have kept rental prices elevated.

The Pros and Cons of Renting vs. Buying in Toronto

The Price Comparison

Let’s look at the average home prices in the Toronto real estate market:

  • Detached House: Approx. $1.4 million
  • Semi-Detached House: Approx. $1.1 million
  • Townhouse: Approx. $935,800
  • Condo Apartment: Approx. $705,572

According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the average mortgage payment in early 2023 was nearly $2,200. While this varies by property type and location, it gives a rough idea of monthly housing expenses.

In contrast, renting a one-bedroom unit in Toronto costs around $2,620, making it a more affordable monthly expense compared to owning. However, the challenge for many potential buyers lies in the down payment required for a mortgage. Depending on where you live in Toronto and the type of property, owning a home could be cheaper over time than renting.

Cost of Ownership vs. Renting

One of the key advantages of renting over owning is the potential savings on monthly expenses. Renters avoid the costs of property maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Homeowners, on the other hand, need to budget for condo fees, utilities, property taxes, and insurance, in addition to mortgage payments. For example, homeowners must cover costs like replacing appliances and maintaining the property, which can add up significantly over time.

Flexibility vs. Responsibility

Renters enjoy greater flexibility compared to homeowners. Renting allows for easier relocation without the long-term commitment of owning property. This flexibility can be particularly advantageous in a volatile housing market or for individuals who anticipate moving frequently. On the contrary, homeowners have greater responsibilities, including regular maintenance and dealing with unexpected expenses. While owning a home builds equity and offers potential financial gains over time, it also comes with the burden of these ongoing responsibilities.

Analyzing the Long-Term Investment

From a long-term perspective, buying a home in Toronto can be a more advantageous financial decision. Home prices in the city have generally trended upwards, leading to equity growth for homeowners. The idea of owning a home and building equity to fund future financial goals, such as retirement or education, is an appealing prospect. Despite higher upfront costs and monthly expenses, homeownership remains a core component of financial stability and wealth building.

In contrast, renting offers immediate cost savings and flexibility, but without the long-term financial benefits associated with property ownership. Renters do not build equity, and their monthly payments do not contribute to any financial asset. However, renting can be a practical short-term solution, particularly for those who may not have the savings required for a down payment or who prioritize mobility and lower immediate costs.

Regional Cost Comparisons in the GTA

To further illustrate the cost differences, let’s examine average mortgage and rental prices in various Greater Toronto Area (GTA) regions:

  • Ajax: Mortgage $5,300, Rent $2,700
  • Aurora: Mortgage $6,300, Rent $2,800
  • Brampton: Mortgage $4,600, Rent $1,900
  • Caledon: Mortgage $5,900, Rent $2,900
  • King City: Mortgage $8,800, Rent $3,200
  • Markham: Mortgage $5,900, Rent $2,700
  • Mississauga: Mortgage $4,800, Rent $3,100
  • Newmarket: Mortgage $5,300, Rent $2,600
  • Oakville: Mortgage $6,900, Rent $2,700
  • Richmond Hill: Mortgage $6,400, Rent $2,600
  • Simcoe County: Mortgage $5,100, Rent $2,200
  • Vaughan: Mortgage $5,800, Rent $3,100

These figures show that renting tends to be more affordable on a monthly basis across various GTA regions. For instance, renting in Mississauga costs around $3,100 per month, significantly lower than the average mortgage payment of $4,800. This pattern is consistent in other areas like Brampton, where renting costs $1,900 compared to a mortgage payment of $4,600.

Deciding whether to rent or buy in Toronto hinges on your circumstances and financial goals. Renting is much more affordable in Toronto, offering lower monthly costs and greater flexibility. However, for those who can afford the higher initial and ongoing costs, buying a home represents the best long-term investment, providing the benefits of equity growth and financial stability. Ultimately, choosing between renting and buying depends on your current financial situation, lifestyle preferences, and long-term objectives. Whether you choose to rent or buy in Toronto, it’s crucial to consider all factors to make the most informed decision.

FAQs: Rent or Buy in Toronto

1. Is it cheaper to rent or buy a home in Toronto?

Renting is generally more affordable in the short term in Toronto, with average monthly rental costs for a one-bedroom apartment around $2,620. In contrast, buying a home involves higher upfront costs (e.g., a down payment) and higher monthly expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance fees. However, buying offers long-term financial benefits through equity growth and potential property value appreciation.

2. What are the main advantages of renting in Toronto?

Renting in Toronto offers several advantages, including lower monthly costs, flexibility to move without a long-term commitment, and freedom from maintenance responsibilities. Renters do not need to worry about property taxes, home repairs, or the fluctuations in the real estate market, making it a practical choice for those who prioritize mobility and lower immediate expenses.

3. What are the benefits of buying a home in Toronto?

Buying a home in Toronto can be a valuable long-term investment. Homeownership allows individuals to build equity over time, benefit from property value appreciation, and have a sense of stability. Although it comes with higher upfront and monthly costs, owning a home can provide financial security and potentially significant returns on investment over the years.

4. How do I decide whether to rent or buy in Toronto?

Whether to rent or buy in Toronto depends on your financial situation, lifestyle preferences, and long-term goals. Consider factors such as your budget for upfront costs, monthly housing expenses, how long you plan to stay in one place, and your long-term financial objectives. Consulting with a financial advisor or real estate expert can also help you make an informed decision based on your circumstances.

Estate Sales: A Detailed Six-Month Overview to Maximize Your Profit

Navigating the decision to sell a family home can be overwhelming. Whether you’re downsizing, relocating, or managing an estate after a loved one’s passing, an estate sale can provide a strategic way to liquidate assets efficiently. Understanding the real estate market trends over the past six months can help you make informed decisions and maximize your profit. In this blog, we’ll delve into recent estate sale statistics for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and provide expert advice on conducting a successful estate sale.

Understanding Estate Sales

What is an Estate Sale?

An estate sale involves selling most or all of an individual’s possessions, typically after significant life events such as a move, divorce, or death. These sales are often managed by professional estate sale companies that specialize in appraising, organizing, and selling items ranging from everyday household goods to high-value collectibles.

Benefits of an Estate Sale

  • Financial Efficiency: Generate significant revenue by selling valuable items that might otherwise go unused.
  • Simplification: Reduce the burden of managing a large number of items during a life transition.
  • Equitable Distribution: Ensure fair distribution of assets among heirs in the case of estate settlements.

Market Trends: A Six-Month Review

Understanding recent market trends is crucial for timing your estate sale to maximize profit. Here’s an overview of the estate sale market in the GTA over the past six months, focusing on key statistics and changes.

Estate Sales in Toronto:

  1. January 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 38
    • Average value per sale: $23,000
  2. February 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 40
    • Average value per sale: $22,500
  3. March 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 42
    • Average value per sale: $24,000
  4. April 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 43
    • Average value per sale: $23,500
  5. May 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 44
    • Average value per sale: $24,500
  6. June 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 45
    • Average value per sale: $25,000

Estate Sales in Ontario:

  1. January 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 200
    • Average value per sale: $18,000
  2. February 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 205
    • Average value per sale: $18,500
  3. March 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 210
    • Average value per sale: $19,000
  4. April 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 215
    • Average value per sale: $19,500
  5. May 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 218
    • Average value per sale: $20,000
  6. June 2024:
    • Total estate sales: 220
    • Average value per sale: $20,000

Key Trends and Insights

  1. 1. Increasing Popularity
  • The steady increase in the number of estate sales from January to June indicates growing popularity as a means of asset liquidation.
  1. Rising Average Value
  • Both Toronto and Ontario have seen a gradual rise in the average value of items sold per sale, suggesting strong demand for high-quality estate sale items.
  1. Seasonal Variations
  • The data shows a slight dip in sales during the colder months (January and February), with a steady increase as the weather improves, indicating a seasonal influence on estate sales.

GTA Housing Market Overview (May 2024)

  • Detached Homes: $1,506,675 (3% decrease from May 2023)
  • Semi-Detached Homes: $1,173,819 (2% decrease from May 2023)
  • Freehold Townhouses: $1,040,141 (7% decrease from May 2023)
  • Condo Apartments: $730,815 (2.4% decrease from May 2023)

This statistical overview helps set the context for the real estate market’s condition, which directly impacts estate sales.

Preparing for an Estate Sale

Hiring Professionals

One of the first steps in preparing for an estate sale is hiring a professional estate sale company. These experts can handle everything from appraising and pricing items to organizing and marketing the sale, ensuring a smooth process and fair market value for items sold.

Organizing and Appraising

Professional organizers will:

  • Inventory Items: Create a comprehensive list of items to be sold.
  • Appraise Items: Determine the value of each item, ensuring high-value items are priced appropriately.
  • Set Up the Sale: Organize items appealingly to attract buyers.

Marketing the Sale

Effective marketing is crucial for a successful estate sale. Professional estate sale companies will:

  • Advertise Locally and Online: Use various platforms to reach potential buyers, including social media, estate sale websites, and local classifieds.
  • Highlight High-Value Items: Emphasize unique and valuable items to attract serious buyers and collectors.

Conducting the Sale

Managing the Event

During the sale, professionals manage all aspects of the event, including:

  • Customer Service: Assisting buyers with questions and facilitating transactions.
  • Security: Ensuring the safety of items and managing crowd control.
  • Negotiations: Handling price negotiations to maximize returns.

Post-Sale Activities

After the sale, the estate sale company will:

  • Clear Out Remaining Items: Arrange for the donation or disposal of unsold items.
  • Final Settlement: Provide a detailed account of the sale and disburse proceeds to the family or estate.


An estate sale is a practical and efficient way to liquidate assets, whether due to relocation, downsizing, or settling an estate. By understanding the nuances of estate sales and staying informed about market trends in Toronto and Ontario, families can make informed decisions to maximize the benefits of their sales. Engaging professional estate sale services ensures a smooth process and optimal results, providing peace of mind during a challenging time.


For those considering an estate sale, here are a few tips:

  • Start Early: Give yourself time to organize and prepare for the sale.
  • Hire Professionals: Engage experienced estate sale companies to handle the details.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of market trends to time your sale for the best results.

By following these steps, you can confidently navigate the complexities of an estate sale and ensure you achieve the best possible outcome for your family’s assets.


  • “Data sourced from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Housing Market Overview, May 2024, provided by Wahi: [link to source]

Monthly estate sale statistics in Toronto and Ontario:,,,,, and other market analysis websites.”

How You See Greenbelt Developments relation With Housing Shortage

In recent news, Ontario’s Greenbelt has been at the center of attention due to the selection of protected land for housing development. While the process has raised concerns, it’s worth exploring how this development could potentially impact the real estate landscape in Ontario. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the positive aspects of these developments and their implications for the real estate business.

  1. Addressing Housing Shortages: The expansion of housing into Greenbelt areas can contribute to addressing housing shortages in Ontario. As demand for housing continues to grow, the availability of new land for development can ease the pressure on the housing market. This, in turn, could lead to more diverse and affordable housing options for residents.
  2. Increased Housing Supply and Choice: The introduction of new housing developments provides buyers with a broader array of options to choose from. Whether it’s a single-family home, townhouse, or condominium, these developments can cater to various preferences and budgets. Increased choice can result in a healthier, more competitive real estate market.
  3. Job Creation and Economic Growth: Real estate development has a cascading effect on the economy. New construction projects create jobs for builders, contractors, architects, and various other professionals. Additionally, these projects can lead to increased economic activity in the surrounding areas, including retail and services.
  4. Community Infrastructure and Amenities: As new housing developments are planned, community infrastructure and amenities often follow suit. Schools, parks, shopping centers, and recreational facilities are frequently integrated into these developments. This can enhance the overall quality of life for residents and contribute to the growth of thriving neighborhoods.
  5. Investment Opportunities: The introduction of new developments can present lucrative investment opportunities for real estate investors. Early investment in these emerging areas could yield significant returns as the neighborhoods evolve and grow.
  6. Revitalizing Undeveloped Areas: Transforming previously untouched Greenbelt land into vibrant communities can breathe new life into these areas. The revitalization of underutilized land can lead to increased property values and rejuvenated neighborhoods.
  7. Supporting Sustainable Practices: Many modern real estate developments prioritize sustainable building practices. Green technologies, energy-efficient designs, and eco-friendly amenities are often integrated into these projects. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the broader global trend toward environmentally conscious living.

While the process of selecting Greenbelt land for housing development in Ontario has been under scrutiny, it’s important to recognize the potential positive impact on the real estate landscape. The expansion of housing options, increased housing supply, job creation, community development, and investment opportunities are all factors that can contribute to a thriving and dynamic real estate sector. As these developments unfold, it’s essential to strike a balance between growth and responsible land use to ensure a brighter future for Ontario’s communities. Please share your valuable comments.


Crack the Code to Effective Home Evaluation in Today’s Competitive Real Estate Market!

When it comes to purchasing a home, understanding the intricacies of home evaluation is crucial. It plays a vital role in securing a mortgage and determining the value of a property. In this article, we’ll delve into the two key aspects that shape home evaluation: how mortgage lenders utilize evaluation results and the benefits of utilizing comparative market analysis (CMA). Additionally, we’ll explore the advantages and limitations of online tools in the evaluation process. By gaining insights into these factors, you’ll be equipped to make informed decisions and navigate the real estate market with confidence.

How Mortgage Lenders Use Home Evaluation Results

As you embark on your home buying journey, obtaining a mortgage is often a pivotal step. Lenders assess the value of the property you wish to purchase to determine the loan amount and interest rate. This evaluation also influences eligibility for specific loan programs and the need for private mortgage insurance. To ensure a favorable outcome, it is essential to provide comprehensive information to the appraiser and maintain the home in good condition. A thorough home evaluation benefits both the lender and the borrower, saving time, money, and potential frustration.

Benefits of Using Comparative Market Analysis for Home Evaluation

Determining the true value of a home requires considering various factors. Comparative market analysis (CMA) is a process that real estate professionals rely on to provide accurate valuations. By analyzing recent sale prices of similar properties in the area, along with details like size, age, and location, a CMA offers a more holistic assessment compared to solely evaluating features in isolation. This data-driven approach equips buyers and sellers with a clear understanding of the market, facilitating fairer and more informed transactions.

Exploring Online Tools for Home Evaluation – Benefits and Limitations

In the digital era, numerous online tools are available to aid in home evaluation, from mortgage calculators to virtual tours. These resources can be invaluable for buyers and sellers alike. However, it’s important to acknowledge their limitations. Online tools may not account for the specific property or financial details that can impact the evaluation. Hence, while leveraging online resources is advisable, consulting with qualified real estate agents or appraisers is crucial to gaining a comprehensive understanding of your home’s value. By combining professional expertise with online tools, you can make well-informed decisions about your home.

Home evaluation is a complex process that demands attention to multiple factors. By adopting a comprehensive approach and utilizing the expertise of appraisers, realtors, and online resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of your home’s value in today’s market. Remember, in-depth knowledge of location, property type, remodeling history, and current real estate conditions is instrumental in a successful evaluation. By considering these insights and conducting additional research, you’ll be better positioned to navigate the world of home evaluation and make informed decisions tailored to your unique circumstances.

KWC Are The Top 3 Areas To Invest In The GTA! Now What Is KWC!

GTA is one of the most sought-after cities for real estate investment. Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge are the top three cities in the GTA that provide an excellent opportunity for investors.

Kitchener With Potential Investors

Kitchener has been making headlines lately with its United Taxi initiative that offers to drive dialysis patients to Grand River Hospital free of charge when they can’t get there any other way. This demonstrates how this city takes care of its citizens and could be an attractive option for potential investors.

Meanwhile, Waterloo small businesses have adapted their payment system technology to keep up with modern trends, making it a great choice for entrepreneurs looking to start their businesses or existing companies wanting to expand.

Cambridge Best Investment Along With Neighbour

Cambridge takes it a step further by expanding its program that provides $500 a month to low-income families. This helps support the local economy and gives an additional incentive for investors who are looking for potential returns while helping the community at the same time.

Overall, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge have a lot of potentials when it comes to real estate investments. With their various initiatives and news updates, these cities are growing each day and offer great opportunities for anyone looking to invest in the GTA. Investing in any of these three cities could be a wise decision for any prospective investor. to expand.

Cambridge stands out because of its program that provides low-income families with $500 a month. This shows the city’s dedication to helping those in need and could be an attractive option for investors who are looking to make a positive impact on the community while making money.

With these great initiatives and the cities’ continued growth, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge remain excellent choices for real estate investment in the GTA. Investing in any one of these regions could be highly lucrative, so be sure to look into them as soon as possible!

Right Now Investment

Investing in any one of these regions could be highly lucrative, so be sure to look into them as soon as possible! These cities are continuously growing and offer great potential for real estate investors. With their various initiatives and news updates, Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge remain excellent choices for anyone looking to invest in the GTA. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity – invest now and reap the benefits of your wise decision!

Eager to start investing in the GTA? Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge are three of the best cities in the GTA that offer excellent opportunities for real estate investors. With their various initiatives and news updates showing consistent growth, these cities remain some of the top choices when it comes to real estate investments. Kitchener’s United Taxi initiative is just one example of how this city takes care of its citizens and could be an attractive option for potential investors. Meanwhile, small businesses in Waterloo have adapted their payment system technology to keep up with modern trends, making it a great choice for entrepreneurs. Cambridge’s initiative to provide $500 a month to low-income families not only helps the city’s economy but could also be an additional incentive for investors. Investing in any of these three cities could be highly lucrative – don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! Start investing now and reap the benefits of your wise decision!

Thanks for reading! We hope you found this information helpful and make sure to stay tuned for more real estate investment tips. Good luck!

TD Bank Mortgage Rates Brampton September 2022

TD Bank is one of the biggest institutions within Canada by market capitalization and assets and is regarded as one of Canada’s top six banks. This is what makes TD an exemplary bank in Canadian Chartered Banks. TD operates across Canada as well as across all of the East Coast of the United States as well as an international presence. As of July 20, 2021, TD Bank is the third largest corporation within Canada and its total market value exceeding 150 billion dollars. In actuality, TD Bank is the 12th largest bank in the world, and one of the top 10 banks within the USA. TD offers a broad range of services for its vast customer base, which includes commercial banking, retail banking capital market services and insurance. With more than 1200 branches with 89,000 staff, TD serves over 9 million customers.

TD Mortages Rates
An Annual Percentage Ratio (APR) is calculated based on a $300,000 mortgage 25-year amortization, over the term in effect, taking into account monthly payments and a fee to calculate the value of the property at $300. If there aren’t any fees or charges, the APR and percentage of the interest are identical. APR is rounded up to the nearest three decimal place.

Brampton Mortgage Options

Brampton Fixed-Rate Mortgages

Secure yourself knowing that the interest rate you pay won’t rise during the time period you choose.

Fixed rate mortgages provide security, and along in turn security. After you’ve chosen your period, you’ll be able to rest assured that your interest rate won’t fluctuate for the time period you choose.

You can select the length of 6 months 1, 2 3, 4, 5 6, 7, or 10 years.

Payment Options:

Regular payments are able to be increased 100 percent over the course of the contract at no cost every calendar year.
You can prepay at least 15% of the principal amount of your mortgage at least once per year, at no cost.

TD Bank Variable Mortgage Rates in Brampton

The TD Bank variable rate mortgage offers fixed monthly installments over the duration of your mortgage but the interest rate is subject to fluctuation depending on changes to the TD Bank’s main rate. If TD’s prime rate moves lower the amount you pay will go to interest while a greater portion of it will be put towards the payment of the principal. If the rate at which TD’s prime rate is higher and your monthly payment increases, more will be directed towards interest and less towards your principal mortgage. This is a good investment tool for people who expect that interest rates within Canada to decrease in the coming years. Another option is a convertible mortgage. This is an fixed rate or variable mortgage that permits the possibility of converting to an interest-only mortgage anytime.

TD Variable Rates

How do I consider comparing interest rates on mortgages?

Making a decision on to take out a mortgage is an important financial decision because it requires borrowing a substantial quantity of funds. The interest rate on mortgages can be one of many variables which affect the total amount you be required to pay in the course of the amortization time. This means that you can save money by locating the lowest interest rate. Alongside the rate of your mortgage it is also important to compare the conditions and terms of each mortgage to ensure that you find the best one for your needs.

How much could I save by comparison of mortgage interest rates in Brampton, Canada?

Due to the large amount of money loaned under a mortgage even the slightest change in the interest rate of a mortgage could result in you saving money throughout the mortgage term, or even more in the course of an amortization time. Although the rate of your mortgage is an important aspect to consider but you should make sure you look over the terms and conditions of every kind of mortgage to be sure you pick the appropriate one for your needs.

What’s the main difference between a fixed and variable interest rate in TD?

Fixed interest rates is your rate of interest, in addition to the principal and interest payment will remain exactly the same throughout the mortgage time. With a variable rate your interest rate could fluctuate depending on changes in the T.D. Mortgage Prim Rate. Although your monthly payments will stay the same, the amount from each payment which will go towards principal and interest may differ. It is important to take a close review of the distinctions between variable and fixed interest rates before making the decision.

How to Build Equity in Your Home

One of the primary goals of home ownership should be the building of equity in your home. Equity is simply the difference between the current value of a property and the balance of all mortgage obligations.

For example, if you have a home that is valued at $375,000 (based on an appraisal or a Comparative Market Analysis) and a mortgage balance of $175,000, you have $200,000 ($375,000 -$175,000) equity in your home. As long as the market remains stable, this is like money in the bank. As your house value increases over time and mortgage payments you make reduces the level of your debt, your home equity increases.

Why Equity in a Home is Important?

Simply stated, the appreciation of equity in a home is one of the easiest and most successful paths to wealth that is available to you. To a large degree, it is almost painless—you make the mortgage payment that you would have to make anyhow and the balance is reduced. The value of the home, meanwhile, is rising. As a result, your nest egg should be growing. The quicker you find yourself at 100% equity—owning nothing on your home—the quicker the route to less financial stress and true wealth.


How to Build Additional Equity?

There are a number of ways to build additional equity in a home, some easier than others but all effective:

1) Higher initial down payment
The most obvious way to build additional equity is at the first opportunity—making a larger down payment at the time of purchase. This extra money is immediately “banked” in the home, making it much less tempting to spend.

2) Extra principal payments
Making extra payments of principal (or just adding money to your monthly payment designated to go to principal) has a double effect on your equity. First, every dollar you contribute reduces your debt by the same amount. Second, reduced debt means less interest paid, which means that each month more of your payment goes to principal and less goes to interest.

NOTE: Although most loans allow it, check with your lender to see if they accept extra payments of principal with no penalty.

3) Shorter mortgage term
The lower mortgage interest rates that we have seen recently means that for many buyers, they are able to either initially secure a mortgage with a shorter term or, if the are currently in a long term mortgage (such as 30 years) refinance and get a shorter term. Shorter mortgage terms mean that you will be paying down your principal much quicker and therefore gaining additional equity at a much faster rate.

4) Home improvements
When you improve the quality or size of your home, you also increase its value and thus your equity. Be aware, though, that although virtually all home improvement projects will bring some return, some are much more advantageous than others. For example, remodelling kitchens or bathrooms traditionally have brought a greater return than adding leisure amenities such as pools or whirlpools. To get the maximum equity enhancement, make certain that the kind of improvements you want to make will increase the home’s value appreciably.

Mississauga Location

268 Derry Rd W Unit 101, Mississauga, ON L5W 0H6